Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friends with Benefits: Oh Yeah baby.

I'm talking here about my writing friends. Now you get to giggle about why you clicked on the link, right? :) I know a thing or two about how to get people's attention with words.

Anyway. I felt the need this morning to shout out to the writers who are now close friends. The people who make this journey sweet. Those who I think about every day.

I wish I could wake up to these folks and we could have coffee together, discuss our writing, go to our separate corners and return to share out ideas over lunch. I guess what I'm saying is that these particular folks have become like family. The strange thing is, they don't even know one another. 

Amanda Bonilla: Amanda writes Urban Fantasy. Her AMAZING book Shaedes of Gray will be on the shelves in December. Amanda and I met online (Facebook!) and I have to say she has been my greatest champion. I don't really think I can express the amount of support I get from a quick email or chat. And when we started? When we started we were sitting on two of the WORST manuscripts imaginable. Put it this way, we met naked and now we wear ball gowns. (well, she does.) Amanda is represented by Natanya Wheeler of Nancy Yost Literary.

Loretta Nyhan:  Loretta is represented by Joanna Volpe of Nancy Coffee Literary. Loretta is my soul sister. Not only do we share a similar writing voice (though she INSISTS on writing YA ... she's so good at it. I can't do that for CRAP. I tried.) We not only read and love each other's work, but we have the same ideas about politics, organic lifestyles and parenting. I met her online through Lisa And Laura Roeker. Thank you so much L&L!

Sarah Wylie: (Or when I met her: Sarah with a Chance) She had more than a chance. Her novel  will be on the shelves in 2012.  Oh Sarah. How much do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Sarah is represented by Suzie Townsend of Fine Print Literary.

Simon Larter: Damn. He's an AMAZING writer good folks. And someday he'll finish that novel. Right Simon? WRITE? WRITE SIMON!

Glen: Who hates publicity but writes the best damn stories this side of anywhere. I love you. And if I don't get to meet you someday, the regret will be hard to bear.

Here's the thing. Three of these writers are represented. Two have novels coming out, one is on submission. One is writing fantastic (and award winning) short fiction. And one is a father and a husband who likes to tell stories. These are people I've collected. People who I fell in love with.

And people I've never met.

My friends. (And I have many more... but these folks seem to live inside my pockets)

I write for you. Thank you, thank you, internet.


*Pre-Order SHAEDES OF GRAY (available 12-6-2011):
B & N | Borders | Powell’s | Amazon | Indiebound | Books-A-Million

*Sarah Wylie's Novel:  ALL THESE LIVES, will be published by FSG/Macmillan in 2012. Look for it!

AND!!!!!! Read The Liar Society! Lisa And Laura's YA masterpiece!  You won't be disappointed.


  1. Suzy, you're incredible. And what fabulous company am I in with this post? So grateful for writing friends and so grateful for YOU!

  2. Yay!!!! Right back atcha!

    (And I don't know what I'd do without you...)

  3. Why, thank you, darlin'. I feel like the odd one out on that list, but I don't mind a bit. I'll get where I'm going eventually. ;)


  4. @Sarah XO
    @Loretta... oh my dear friend.
    @Simon: NO not odd man out at all. And when you do whatever it is you will do with your words, it will be fantastic and successful.

  5. Aww Ms. Suzanne(ah), such a thing you are. thank you.

  6. Okay, okay. You caught me giggling about the title. ;-) The rest of the post made me smile even wider. I think it's lovely to acknowledge and appreciate the friends that the internet has allowed us to connect to. They are as a real as the friends we've made in school or at work. The only difference is that we can't have coffee with them whenever we want to. (Hey, Google! I'm talking to you. Hurry up with inventing a virtual-latte-simulator-thing-a-ma-jiggy already, will you?) :D
